Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Dane is in the first grade.  He just turned 7.  Every night he brings home math homework.  Something I didn't find out till a couple nights ago is that Dane doesn't get to go outside for recess if he doesn't have his homework done.  Why was I not informed of this?  Dane needs that time to unwind and be a child.  It has been awful getting him to concentrate just to do a few problems.  He knows the work but he does not want to focus.  After school he's very overtired and cranky.

I have started more every night getting him to do his homework.  The teacher crosses off at least half the work.  I cannot imagine all this kids at this age doing this much every night.  I don't think it's fair.  I went to a private school during elementary and I don't remember bringing any homework home until at  least the 3rd grade.

Dane in 1st grade outside Occupational Therapy
Its true.  Kindergarten is like first grade now.  They want the kids to tie their own shoes and show their work on their math.  Are we growing smarter or just pushing our kids too hard?

I have to admit, I'm tired from working all day.  It's good if I can get a half hour nap in so I can be able to read and help Dane with his math homework.  There has been a night or two where I am just like..oh, screw it and I fill in the numbers for him or just tell him the answers.  All I can tell myself is that...hey...his work is done now let the boy go outside for recess.  Don't coop him up in class all day and punish him.

We got a review of Danes goals from the school today.  He is coming along on his reading.  He did poorly on his writing.  I can see this.  He needs to work more on his finger muscles to improve his fine motor skills.  He has troubles still buttoning his jacket and zipping up his coat.  Tying his shoes is not an option right now and we got the school to accept that he needs his velcrow shoes.  He has come a long way and I am so proud of him.

Danes teacher sent home a slip for an after school program.  I don't think so.  His day is long enough.  I don't want him to hate school this much.  No way do I want him staying there any longer then he has to.  Just like me getting out of work.  My job is done...I'm going home.

Monday, December 3, 2012

back to blogger/1 in 80 ASD

For the past year I had a domain name.  Would I have liked to keep it?  I guess but paying for it didn't make me want to keep it.  I was getting weird emails about the name and saying I'd have to spend x amout of dollars to keep it.  Basically it was spam trying to scare me that if I don't act now that someone else could have be it.  I will stick to my free blog and try to enjoy writing what comes to mind.

Dad updated me the other night that on the news, probably FOX, that they had a report saying that 1 in 80 are now affected with autism.  There was a politician who wants a federal investigation to find out why the numbers are growing.  From what my dad told me was that this guy has a child/grandchild who got 9 shots in one day.  Afterwords, the child acted differently.

Dane on Newsline 9
 My attitude is starting to change about these shots containing Thermosol.  You can request to have shots without the preservative in.  The shot will cost more.  Is it worth it?  I don't know the answer.  For a child not getting affected with autism, my answer would be a definite YES!  We still don't have a scientific answer proven that shots are linked.  Will we have an answer someday...?  More importantly, will it be the truth of what is happening to our children?

I would also like to add that Dane had his first TV interview.  Not about his autism but about the Green Bay Packers.  The news reporter came up to him and started asking him questions.  All she really got out of him what that he liked the Packers.  A very short clip on the news but I was so very proud of my little man.