What a stressful new year it has been so far. My brother in law is staying with us and his 3 year old daughter for a while. He has no job, car, license and a girl pregnat which possibly may not be his child. Poor guy. I really wish the best for him. The good news is that I don't have to load up the kids at 5 in the morning and haul them to work with me to exchange them with their mother.
Dawn is sick and tired of 3rd shift at the factory. People are grumpy and disrespectful and lazy. Not to mention the management is terrible. She deserves better and wants to go back into nursing..soon. But right now she just wants to get off the graveyard shift.
Thank the heavens for Prozac. I have been on it for the last couple months and has really took the edge off the stress of raising kids like a single father. Things between my wife and I were awful. I guess we really had to hit bottom to realize we need help. We are now very happy again. We realize how much we need each other and do love each other. We felt like we grew apart for the past several years.
At Danes last therapy treatment I talked to this single mother who has been taking her 5 year old to therapy 3 days a week for 3 years for behavior. She had an IPad with her and let Dane play Angry Birds on it. I have never seen an IPad that close before. I was amused how much attachment Dane took to it. He tells me that school lets him play with one and he wants one. I don't blame him but he just wants to play angry birds on it.
Happily though my brother-in-law got a job interview and orientation at a local meat packaging plant. He will start at 7 which means the kids can sleep in until my wife gets home, take him to work and then take Dane to school and come home and hopefully get some sleep in.
I have been waiting to get a picture of Danes "squeeze machine" his case worker gave us. He really likes it. I will have to get a picture on soon. His therapist also had him made a body sock. He knows when to get in it for his own sensory break but the first night in it he hit his head on the table. Ally, my daughter likes to get into it and say she's a ghost. "Ooohhhh" she moans...so funny.
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