I don't know what the deal is. Okay, so Dane's uncle, Donny and his 3 yr. old daughter moved in with us in January. Maybe Dane feels his home space is being violated. Maybe he is just so tired out from the long day at school. Anyways, Dane has been terrible to deal with.
Up to date! My wife quit the factory and went back into nursing in an assisted living facility. She is much happier with her life. We are dealing with a lot of stress. Hmm, an autistic son. A 6 dollar pay cut, the brother in law and daughter, work. It's boiling down.
I was having marriage troubles in August last year. My wife moved out on me for a day and rented an apartment. She realized how nuts she has been going not seeing me and practically raising our children by ourselves. It reached its boiling point and now it's all out on the table what we don't like. Needless to say, her quitting the shitty factory with bitchy women was a major plus. I missed my happy and bubbly girl I fell in love with the first time. We felt like we were falling in love again. It felt like the end of our marriage was near. I lost 20 pounds and she is rail thin. She looks good and I've had some turn around looks at work I never seen before. Some old bags but I can still feel flattered in such a way.
About Danes behavior. He was down to once a week therapy for one hour. He is now being booted back to 2 days a week for 1 hour.
At school he has been making friends and learning how to read. His teacher tells me what a good day he had. I am starting to think that he started to "hate" school when during one of his teachers deleted Angry Birds off the school Ipad in front of him without any warning. I guess he was being unattentive and now he needs to earn the game back as a "privilage."
For the past few weeks now he has such negative things to say. "I hate you, I hate school, I hate Donny and Bella, I hate this show!" Hate Hate Hate...I don't get it.
I never watch violent movies. I watch my language (sometimes the f bomb slipps) Not too often. But he comes home and talks about hand on hand combat. That I know he is not learning from home.
I was thinking while mowing lawn tonight. He's around loud noised and flickering flourescent lights all day. The lunch room is especially loud. Kids in the halls talking and running are loud. His teachers and therapists say how good and well behaved he is. Is this the same kid? Ever since Angry Birds was deleted in front of him without warning...he's been awful getting up and out to school. He has been late lots of times because he won't get dressed. When he does get to school, the whole class yells his name and give him hugs. He loves school!
My wife went to visit the babysitter from the earlier years. She brought home another guinea pig and a bunny rabbit. Dane was so proud he took it to school for show and tell. He was very popular that day. I wasn't too thrilled about the critters but as soon as I pet the little rabbit..I melted.
Only 3 more days left and he will be in the first grade. He's very happy because his pre-K teacher got promoted to 1st grade. He likes her very much.
Today Dane had a field trip to the zoo. His teacher told me the chaparone had nothing but good news and how well behaved he was during the trip. I don't think the parent he knew he had autism even. Lots of people don't.
On Fridays and Sundays I have to drive 50 miles one way to trade my bro in laws daughter with her mother. Especially working all day, I am beat! I want to get there and back as fast as possible. I mean, the guy has no job, license, car..not a pot to piss in and he has been with us since Jan. 1st. I already have my marriage on the line, Danes therapy, a sassy daughter, now this? I am up to my eyes in stress and trying to manage everyone elses lives instead of mine.
I can see why Dane is acting out. He needs his space as well as me.
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