Saturday, March 16, 2013

So much to do. So little time.

Allyson is sick.  She has a clinic appointment at 1:30.  Dane gets out of school at 3:25 and I am at work.  I get a page to come to the front desk.  Phonecall for me?  I receive the info on what's going on with Allyson.  She missed her clinic appointment by 5 minutes and they said she couldn't get treatment.  The receptionist tells my wife that we will have to take her to Urgent Care 25 minutes away.  Instead she got scheduled with the Mennonite doctor at 3:30.

I arrive home at 2:20 and decide I better get the oil changed in the truck.  I have time.  Afterwords I can pick up Dane, come home and get Allyson and take her to the Doc.

After the oil change at the Quick Lube station I pulled onto the highway.  Something wasn't right.  The oil light was on.  I had no power.  I pulled into the nearest gas station and checked the dip stick.  It's dry!  WTF!  Isn't the part of having an oil change to have oil in the vehicle when leaving?!  Oh sh*t.  Now what do I do?

I call the guy who just did the oil change and he said he put oil in it.  He came and towed me back to the center to look at it.  He said he seen a oil vapor on the highway as if something came loose.  I didn't see anything.  It would have been a big spill of oil and noticeable.  Anyway..I seen him tighten something under the vehicle.  The plug maybe?  Then 5 quarts of oil got dumped in and my truck seems to run fine.

I get home and call the wife who is on her way to the doctor with Allyson and Dane.  I have to now drive there to pay for the checkup.  Turns out Allyson was okay and not getting strep throat.  She sounds a little croupy and whatever she has is starting to loosen up a bit.

I take the kids to my dads who's last day of work was today.  I let my wife to home to get some rest from working  a 12 hour shift the night before.  Before she leaves she tells me about the snow build up on the house.

A couple hours later I get home and it's getting dark.  I take a shovel and a rake and try to lighten up the piles of snow and ice build up on my roof.  We got 5 more inches last night and their calling for another 13 by Monday!   This time last year it was in the upper 60's.  I am so sick of winter.

8:00 I get into the house and my wife takes the kids to the store to buy some cough syrup.  I get to take a shower and get out of my work clothes at last.  That was a long day.  I'm basically learning 4 different jobs at once at my job and to have vehicle problems and a sick kid.  It all worked out and thankful everything worked out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Job

I started training for a different position at work.  Today was day 4.  The first part of the day is hard but as the day goes on it gets easier.  It's a pretty fast paced forklift job and I'm always moving.  The good thing is that I am not so physically exhausted after working all day like I am on my usual job.  The bad thing is having a sore bum because of sitting all day doing circles around the plant.

It's nice to come home now and have energy left to do things around the house and play with the kids.  I tried to play Candyland with them the other night.  That was a lot of drama.  Allyson was way ahead of Dane and I.  Then she got a card that sent her way back to the beginning.  She cried that she hated this game and wanted to start over.  Dane wasn't taking the game too seriously and kept messing around not paying attention.  It got kind of nerve racking because they started fighting.  Dane likes to push Ally's buttons and make her cry.  He's been biting and hitting her lately over nothing.  I'm sick of it.  Time out's don't work with Dane.  When he's bad he gets disciplined.  Usually he gets something taken away or he doesn't go with to the store.  That's the only thing that seems to work making him understand that there are consequences for not listening and being naughty.

I'm tired of the disrespect from my kids.  I don't know where they learn to talk and act the way they do when they can't get what they want.  Dane has been a handful since he was an infant.  I am thankful he is high functioning but his attitude sucks some days.  I try to tell him something and he says he hates me.  One day he kept saying, "Hate you.  Hate you. Hate you."  WTF!  What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment from my 7 year old?  I guess it's better then him physically having meltdown's and uncontrollably thrashing my house and throwing things.  It still makes me feel bad.  I could have a great day and something like my kids disrespecting me can really jinx it.

This snow needs to go!  March 12 and we got another 10" last night.  I am getting cabin fever really bad.  Being couped up all winter with noting to do but watch my kids fight and not listen to me.  Things have gotten a lot better since the wife went to part time.  The family has been happier and we got a handle on our lives a bit.  She's happier with her job and we spend more time as a family. My new job that has been working out for me has me feeling better.  The factory situation still blows but it pays good and its benefits of working there.  Someday I will be free and have a good job that I truly love...I just have to figure that part out.