Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tooth Fairy

Dane turned 8 years old in November.  He has lost 5 teeth so far.  The newest loss was a top front tooth.  It was really loose and bothered him very much.  When he would try to speak he would bite on it.  He would wiggle and twist it but it wouldn't come out.

It's getting to a point where he is starting to get when I'm joking with him.  I'd say something like. "We can tie a string to it and slam the door."  He asked if I could pull it for him.  I said he should just keep wiggling it and eventually it will pop out.  He'd say,  "If it doesn't come out then I'm not going to school!  That's fair because I didn't want to go to work after having a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving.

In the morning he was sleeping in bed with my wife.  His mouth was open and I saw his tooth sticking way out like it was going to fall out.  I shook my wife awake to check on his tooth so he didn't swallow it or choke on it in his sleep.  She rolled him on his side.

In the morning, Danes tooth was gone.  He was upset and thought the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come and leave money under his pillow.  Dane and my wife looked all over and didn't find it. When my wife was walking to the bathroom she felt something sharp stuck in her foot.  It was his tooth.  That cheered him up.

Normally when Dane gets upset it's like he hyperventilates.  He breathes rapidly through his mouth.  When trying to explain a situation he yells, "NO!"  It takes some time but he calms down eventually.

It still sucks when he has a meltdown and goes into the mode of slamming and kicking doors and hitting his sister.  It has gotten better.  It used to happen several times a day to maybe once or twice a week.  It was a very stressful time for the wife and I.  Still is actually.  We are still working opposite shifts.  :(

It's hard to get Dane to sit and watch a movie.  But for some reason, he loves "Back to the Future"  He's watching it right now as I write this.  I can see him knocking on peoples heads in school and asking, "Hello.  McFly anyone home?"

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