Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Imaginative Play

What a wonderful thing to come home from work to.  Silence.  Both kids taking their naps at the same time on the couch with Maisey on the television.  Food on the stove and a hot bath run.  Wonderful.  I like it.  I like it a lot!

I'd like the kids to start playing video games.  These new systems are so complicated with all the buttons and action going on.  I brought out from storage the old 8 bit Nintendo Entertainment System from my childhood.  What junk.  None of the games would stay on.  I kept getting the blue flashing screen.  The only game I actually got to work was the original Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt combo game.  I wanted to play Duck Hunt and the kids wanted to shoot the ducks.  I think this would help Dane with his hand, eye coordination and fine motor skills.

There must be something with the new flat screen TV's.  BANG BANG BANG!  Then that laughing piece of shit dog comes up.  "Let me see that."  I say.  Same thing.  3 misses and the laughing dog.  Even with the zapper up to the screen would miss the ducks.  There I go.  Getting the kids hopes up for something cool and turns out to be a let down.

The wife is off to bed and the kids are wound up.  Dane wants to go to Grandpas, go figure.  He gets upset and takes it out on Ally.  He starts to slam doors in her face and slap her arm.  He even started to scratch her.  When he gets in that attitude frame of mind I have to keep Allyson distant from him or he tries to hurt her.  Sometimes I think she brings it on and irritates him by taking his toys from him.

Looks like rain so I have to bring the kids inside and get some laundry done.  First thing they do in run around the basement with those loud dump trucks.  Dawn wakes up and tells me to take their trucks away.  I'm trying to do laundry.  After I get a load in I'll take them back upstairs and "try" to keep them quiet.

I thought I'd bring out Ally's doll house and try some imaginative play with the kids.  Dane showed no interest at all.  Not because of the doll house.  Because he lacks imaginative play.  That really sucks that all Dane see's is reality and can't use his imagination.  He did laugh when I used the small dog to pretend play drinking out of the toilet and then lick at Ally and his faces.

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