Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bedtime Routines

Eight O' Clock.  Bedtime.  Go to bed.  Brush your teeth.  Get on your pj's.  It's not that simple is it?  My wife and I basically slept in separate beds for the past 5 years.  I'd fall asleep in my recliner and she'd go to bed without waking me up to get me to go to bed.  When we would get into bed together the kids would end up between us.  There just isn't enough room.  I guess I'll lay by Dane so he sleeps and I can get some sleep. I need to get up at 5 a.m. and get ready for work.

One thing I remember hearing before having children was, "Don't let them sleep with you.  Not as a baby even."  It may seem easy at first but you will have a hard time getting them to break the habit."  That person was right.

My wife and I work separate shifts.  I work days and she works nights.  It was easier just having Dane sleep in bed with us.  It was the only way he'd stay sleeping.  Allyson did awesome sleeping in her crib.  Until we tried to convert her to a toddler bed, she wanted nothing to do with bedtime.  So it started.  Both kids slept in my bed.  It seemed fine at first.  Okay, maybe tonight but tomorrow they need to sleep in their own beds.  For the past several months I've struggled getting them to bed.  Now Dane is afraid of the dark and tries to sneak into bed with me.  I guide him back to bed half in his sleep.  Our family counselor told us not to get excited and raise our voice when this happens.  Lead him back to his room and tuck him back in.  Don't alert the brain or he will wake up more and be harder to get back to sleep.

Tonight at Danes therapy, the family counselor advised me to switch up my bedtime routine.  I should work on getting Ally to sleep first because she's younger.  Get Dane to his room to talk to his guinea pig or play until I get to him and read him a bedtime story.  She told me to make up a story without pictures in a book and talk calmly..almost hypnotising to get Ally to sleep.  Rub her back and speak slowly.  I tried this..it almost worked for this being the first time.  I am usually riled up and just want the kids to go to sleep so I can relax for an hour before I go to bed myself.

Tonight, Dane fell asleep on his way to therapy.  He didn't want to have his therapy when he got there.  When he seen that I had to talk with the counselor that's when he went back with his therapist.

The counselor implied that the kids need more sleep.  Easier said then done.  I'm happy that they can actually get to sleep at 8:00.  They have to get up with me and leave at 5:30 a.m.  Sure, they only get about 9 hours of sleep.  Dane has school full time and then goes to his therapy a couple days a week.  That makes for a long day for the little guy.  He catches a cat nap on the drive there and then he needs to concentrate on his therapy.  I try to get them down to sleep but the counselor thinks that now I need to get them to bed at 7.  That's early but it takes at least an hour to get them both down.  It's hard work.  I'd like them sleeping by 8 so I can have that hour to myself and get to bed by 9. 

It's a good thing that Dane was really tired so I could try the calm slow hypnotic story telling to see if it would work on Allyson.  Her eyes did get glossy and was getting sleepy.  I used a book with pictures because I thought it would be easier to tell the story.  Every page she'd sit up and point at the picture and ask why that is.  I'd agree and answer her and rub her back and shhh her.  I thought I had her sleepy enough to leave her in her room.  About 5 minutes later I heard her get out of bed and ask for water.  I have to keep this a routine to get this down and both kids to bed on time.  The first week will be the hardest.

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