Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Something has been off with Dane the past several days.  He has been getting back into the routine habits of taking all the pots and pans saucer lids and spinning them.  He has been away from that for some time.  This is all part of his autism.

After he came home from school Monday he was spinning around and finding all other things to spin.  He will get a big saucer top and two other smaller tops and put them together to look like Mickey Mouse's head.  That's pretty smart!  Then, eventually, all of the saucer lids will be spinning around in our dining room.  I guess routines, no matter how old are still hard to break at certain times.

We noticed a slight cough on him.  He didn't feel feverish and he didn't say he felt sick.  We sent him off to school after some decongestant cough syrup.  His teacher said he had a good day

Tuesday he had daycare with his younger sister.  Come home I thought he looked a little pale.  Still, "How are you feeling?"  No answer.  *Coughs*

He really likes laying in front of the space heater.  I remember when I was little that I used to lay on the forced air vents of my parents furnace.  Something about the calm heat that everyone likes as kids.  We made him a little bed on the floor so he can sleep by it.  It has been so cold out lately and the air really cuts through the house.

Early this morning he really had a bad cough.  He was curled in a tight ball in front of the heater.  We felt his head and back.  He was burning up!  He has a 102 degree fever and still says nothing about how he feels.

A parent knows when their child is getting sick.  Most times the signs are obvious as far as a fever, sneeze or cough.  However, when the child has a stomach ache or a head ache, how can we as parents determine what is wrong then? 

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