Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I try my best to keep my son with ASD happy.  Some times it is virtually impossible.  The slightest thing sets him off.  Tonight it was a straw to drink his milk.

It all started when his sister was drinking her milk.  Naturally, he woke up from his nap and wanted milk also.  I get him a glass of milk.  That's not good enough. He wants a straw to drink with.  I try and explain that we are out of straws.  This started off his temper.  Now, to regain control over the situation.

He's sitting in my leather rocker recliner and starts rocking hard.  Then, he goes and tips over his toys.  He grabs other objects and gets ready to throw.  He stomps his feet around the house.  What do I do?  Is this part of his autism or behavior?

I try and pick him up to give him a hug to settle him down.  I tell him it's alright that we will have to get more straws.  He's still really upset.

This goes on for a while.  It seems like it will never end.  When you least expect it, it's over.  He's done with his tantrum.  Wiping away tears from his eyes and taking deep breaths. 

Parenting an autistic child you have to call the signs of a meltdown.  One like this will strike out of no where.  Remain calm. You have to try and control your temper as well.  The child will feed off that emotion and things will get worse.  Bite your lip and take a deep breath. We will get through another day.  One day at a time.  You have to have bad days to appreciate the good ones.

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