Friday, May 6, 2011

Case Worker Observation

I knew it would be like this.  Our case worker came by at 4 pm today to observe Dane and how severe his autism is.  He did everything she asked him to do within an hours time.  She asked him questions while I watched his sister.  He mostly played with his water table but took the time to bring me a broken screw that was sitting on my deck.  She asked him to bring the screw to me.

Allyson, my daughter, was playing with her push mower that blows bubbles and I needed to get the mail.  I took her by the hand thinking I had time to get it without Dane noticing.  Dane and his observer were on the other side of the house so I thought it would be safe.  Just as I was back on my side of the street with my mail, Dane seen that I got the mail without him.  He ran and grabbed it out of my hand and went to put it back into the mail box, closed it, and then took the mail back out.  He was on the verge of a meltdown.  His eyes were wide open and it looked like he was going to cry his eyes out.  That was adverted by him getting the mail.  If I did not let him, things would have gotten ugly with his emotions.

I took the mail into the house and then got Allyson her 4 wheeler power wheels ready for her to ride on.  The case worker had Dane fill a cup with water and put 3 dandelions in the cup.  He pulled out the flowers and counted, "1, 2, 3." and put them in the cup.

I am clueless to some of the things she asked of him because I was busy keeping his sister away from him.

The case worker asked me what kind of discipline I use.  I told her it depends if were inside or outside.  If we are outside, I told her we go back in the house if he doesn't listen.  If we're inside, I take his toys away.  I told her we tried "time out" with him but he would kick down the door.  Time out never worked because of that.  I told her that not going to Grandpa's house was how I disciplined because he always looks forward to going there.

Dane was a perfect angel during the whopping hour observation.  If she could only see what he's like when she isn't there to observe his behavior the other 23 hours of the day.

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