Thursday, December 1, 2011


My wife was dropping Dane off at his Kindergarten class today.  She usually stands by his hook to hang his coat and change into his gym shoes.  We need to stand back and let him do it himself.  Other kids his age dress and undress themselves.  Dane needs to learn this and be more independent.  He needs help buttoning and zipping up his coat and pants.  If he can't do it after a few tries then we help him. He has problems with his fine motor skills.

Dawn led Dane into his class and was listening in on a conversation he was having with the other children.  Dane said that when he gets big that he will ride bike to school.  One of the boys at the table looked at my wife and told her, "I don't know why he talks like that.  He always does."  My wife responded, "Because he's awesome!"  The other kids seem to really like Dane.

I talk to my wife on the phone on break at work to see how things are going.  When she told me about the boy's comment he made about my son it made me think.  I thought that other kids are starting to notice that he's different from the others.  It also scared me a bit to think that the other kids might gang up on him and pick on him.  Dawn assured me that the other kids really like Dane.  I hope that these kids back him up also if there is trouble down the road.

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