Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lining Things Up

Dane seems to be making a couple friends.  His Occupational Therapist asked my wife if his therapists for his autism services can give a detailed list of what they are working on with him.  I will have to bring that up when I take him in Tuesday after school.  She also recommended having a IEP meeting set up sooner than previously set.  That is to get on the same page of how he is responding at home and what his therapists are currently working on with him.

I went to Grandpa's house to finally bring back the kids power wheels.  This will probably be one of the last warmest weeks of the year. 

My wife bought a couple solar lights to use on our walkway.  I set them up the other night.  One was somewhat charged and lit.  The other did not come on.  Dane went outside trying to get the one to light up.  He wouldn't stop until I told him that we would have to put it in the sun to charge up the battery.  Then he was like, "Battery's dead?"  I said "Yeah."

Tonight I thought the kids could play outside being such a nice day and all.  Dane took all the solar lights and lined them up on the walkway.  He has been lining up matchbox cars and saucer lids since he was very little.  I thought this may be a nice change to our house and let him do it.  In a couple months all the outside landscaping things need to get put away.  It is funny and weird how strait and organized he puts things.  If one thing goes out of order he goes crazy until it is replaced.  It sets off his routine when something is out of place.  I would be able to move the lights back but I would have to tell him several times that I am putting them back.  I would also have to show him which light will go where or he may go into a meltdown.

Danes collection of pin wheels has decreased by 3 also.  He had about 10 lined up outside our back door.  No matter how ugly and worn they were he had to have them in place.  I took the bad ones and told them they were junk and we should throw them out.  He was fine with that but I think that he thinks that we will replace them.  Maybe I will or not..I dunno.

Spinning sandbox toys, pinwheels and matchbox cars have been Dane ultimate favorites for toys.  I'd like to get him involved in video games but he shows no interest.  I put the PS1 in his room tonight.  He showed interest for about 2 minutes and wanted to go outside.  Allyson came in and started to play Spyro and Crash Bandicoot.  I went to check on Dane and he was spinning his pin wheels on the back step.  Maybe tomorrow he will show more interest because it's in his room.

Both kids are finally starting to sleep in their own beds all night.  Allyson has a little tv in her room and that gives me time to get Dane settled into bed.  Dane has his guinea pig, Wubbzy, in his room.  He has a nite light and a lamp also.  He is staring to show that he is scared of the dark.  He used to stay wide awake and not tell us hes scared.  I ask him if he wants his lamp on or if the nite light is good enough.  Sometimes he will say to leave the door open also.  The little space heater has helped keep him in his room at night also.  The calming white noise and soft heat puts him into a deeper sleep.  I am starting to think he sleep walks. 

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