Saturday, April 2, 2011

World Autism Day. April 2nd. Autism Awareness.

April is the month of autism awareness. 1 in 110 children are diagnosed with autism. 1 in 70 are males.

I was reading the local paper this morning. There was a 25 year old man with autism telling a 7th grade class what it was like to live with autism. That is very exciting how we have grown ups who know what it's like and describe in detail how they think.

This person didn't talk until he was the age of 7. The children asked him what his favorite movies, books and what he was good at. He went on to tell the children that if they ask him the capital of a country that he could name it. He is good at maps and books of the bible and sings in the church's choir.

The kids asked him that if there was a cure for autism if he would take it. He said "No. I like being who I am." That is so awesome that he would say that and tell kids to be content and happy with who they are. There are days where I don't understand myself and where I'm going. That answer is very inspiring to me.

The man talking to the class was one of the teachers former students. His mother stated that "Autism is a puzzle. We're not trying to solve the person, just the disability." Good words from a mother who raised an autistic child and what she had dealt with.

The best way for students and others to ask questions and learn about autism is to hear from someone who lives with it. As parents it's going to be a long road and an even longer road for our autistic children. Keep hope alive.

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